Monday, February 18, 2013

Egg Update

Friday was limbo day.
Small eggs.  left had one and the right had a couple small ones.  I muddled thru the weekend.  Thru the wedding where all the speeches contained something in them about the bride and groom procreating pronto!  All I could think of, what if they can't.  I mean, she is 38 he is 43.  they might not be able to, what horrible pressure is being put on them.
I had to go back this AM to see what if anything my eggs had done something.
The left one had.  It is growing.  slowly, but it is growing.  The left not so much.  he wants me back on Wednesday morning.
I can feel the left fighting to be heard this moment.  Is it worried it will be left out?
the oh so mild flashes of warmth, did their damage.  Up till this AM I was still not sure if they were hot flashes or not they were so mild.  Was it the tea?  Now I Know, it was my declining hormones.
The flashes are gone and have been gone for a few days now.
So now I am left to think. 
Do we go forward.  My Ovary Dr seems to think we do, even with just one.  My concern being, how viable is the egg going to be if it is taking so much longer to mature than last mnth.  The damage of hormones to ovaries that are tired of working.  Do we forge ahead?  Do we call it on this cycle, save the $$$ from the IUI and use the little we have left from insurance to try with another cycle?  Or is Every chance just that - a chance?  Every chance could be our last one ............. Every chance could be 'the one'
If money was no object, this would not be an issue.
I pray for answers.  I pray for a miracle.  I pray that the eggs, all of them have a growth spurt.  I pray I win the lottery.

Blog On!

1 comment:

Kristi Lou said...

My Brother Just texted to Tell me they are pregnant